Sunday, November 25, 2012


Health, by definition, is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. It implies the absence of infirmity or disease, but their mere absence does not define health. Earning and maintaining health is an active process. Good health is a result of proper nutrition, regular exercise, health care and hygiene. One of the most important factors determining the mental health of an individual is his/her happiness quotient. Hence, effective stress management forms a vital factor in remaining healthy.

Human beings are the most important assets of a nation. It is people who drive the world, it is we who make the world go round. The absence of health can make the world come to a standstill. Do I seem to be exaggerating? I am not. The absence of health can actually mean passivity, unhappiness and gloom. Would anyone like to live in a somber atmosphere? Would we be able to thrive in an unhealthy atmosphere? The true definition of health brings out the real essence of a healthy life. The concept of being healthy is a composition of different facets of life. It includes physical well-being, which can be brought about by a healthy diet and exercise; it constitutes the maintenance of health through proper precaution and cures for physical ailments. The conveniently ignored facet of being healthy is the mental well-being. One's happiness and positivism are highly influential in the maintenance of one's health.

To progress in life, one needs to receive some sort of formal or practical education and then earn one's living. To meet one's basic needs in life and survive; one needs to be healthy. Different streams of education involve different amounts of physical and mental activity. Physical and mental activity is an integral part of every profession or field of work. To perform these activities effectively, one needs to be healthy. At almost every walk of life, one needs to socialize. During one's years of education, one is required to socialize with one's classmates. Similarly, human interaction accompanies every form of work. Most of the professions need collective efforts of teams. For each individual of a group to be able to give his/her best, it is important for the individual to be healthy.

As a part of society, every human being has a set of duties to perform. Each individual has certain family responsibilities as also some responsibilities towards the society. For an individual to be able to shoulder these responsibilities, it is important for him/her to be healthy. To make progress in a society, to work towards the betterment of society, to contribute to an overall social welfare and thus be a valuable asset of society, it is extremely important to be healthy.

As one grows from a child to an adult, one's set of rights and responsibilities expands. In order to perform one's duties and implement one's rights effectively, it is absolutely important to be healthy. To raise a family, to bring up your children, to take care of the aged in your family, you need to be healthy.

Health and happiness go hand in hand. To live life to the fullest and enjoy every bit of it, it is extremely important for us to be healthy!


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