Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Do Fruits Lose Their Nutritional Value Due to Artificial Ripening???

The nutritional value and natural flavor of a fruit are compromised after artificial ripening. Moreover, the use of artificial ripeners like calcium carbide has been linked to a wide range of health problems including cancer.
Artificial ripening reduces nutritional value of fruits.

Did You Know?
The U.S. FDA has classified calcium carbide, a popular artificial ripener, as unsafe for human consumption.

Artificial ripening is a quick and easy way of making unseasonal fruits available to the consumers. Even before the onset of their season, we notice markets being flooded with seasonal fruits. Well, this is possible due to artificial ripening. Also known as chemical or forced ripening, it is a practice of exposing fruits to certain chemicals so as to speed up their ripening process. The increasing demand for fruits even off-season has led to the excessive use of artificial ripeners.

Compared to the United States, artificial ripening is more rampant in Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. These developing countries primarily use calcium carbide for expediting the process of ripening.

Harmful Effects of Artificial Ripening of Fruits

One of the cheapest artificial ripening agents available in developing countries, calcium carbide is deemed toxic and can be extremely dangerous to human health. Moreover, it can have a negative effect on the fruit, nutrition-wise.

Reduces Nutritional Value

If artificial ripening destroys the very purpose of eating fruits, there is no point in implementing these methods of chemical ripening. The thing is, studies have shown that fruits lose their nutritional value considerably when ripened artificially.

In one study, it was observed that artificially ripened bananas and pineapples had noticeable lower content of vitamin C and beta-carotene than their naturally ripened counterparts. Sugar levels were also found to be more in chemically ripened fruits. This clearly indicates that nutrition of the fruit gets compromised due to artificial ripening.

Loss of Natural Taste

  • The poor taste and aroma of forced ripened fruits is another concern. It is observed that artificial ripeners rob the characteristic aroma and flavor of the fruit. No wonder, mangoes tend to have a bland taste due to artificial ripening.
  • Also, there have been several reports of artificial ripeners impairing the taste of bananas. In short, hastening the process of ripening does not impart the same flavor to the fruit that one can enjoy when it is naturally ripened.

Shorter Shelf Life

Chemical ripening is also responsible for reducing the shelf life of fruits. So even if these chemicals do help in hastening the process of ripening, the fruit gets spoilt easily once it is ripened. For instance, mangoes ripened with calcium carbide stones tend to get spoilt in as little as 2 days.

Health Concerns
  • Calcium carbide is a known carcinogen and can also affect the nervous system, leading to neurological problems. Traces of arsenic and phosphorus and acetylene gas (that is released when calcium carbide is dissolved in water) has been associated with a wide range of health issues including excessive sleepiness, dizziness, headache, and mood disorders.
  • Eating these contaminated fruits can also cause heart ailments, cerebral edema, memory problems and even seizures in the long run. Even handling calcium carbide can cause cheilitis (cracking of lips) lead to formation of rashes.
  • Mouth ulcers, skin rashes, diarrhea, stomach upset, and gastric problems have been associated with the intake of artificially ripened fruits on a regular basis.
  • Pregnant women having fruits treated with calcium carbide may have miscarriages or the baby may be born with congenital abnormalities.

Safer Alternative

  • Ethylene that naturally occurs in fruits like apples and pears is called the ripening hormone as it plays a key role in the ripening process. It is synthesized within the fruit to promote its ripening.
  • Hence ethylene when released artificially can be helpful in accelerating the ripening process. Also, exposing the fruit to ethylene is not a cause for concern as the U.S. FDA has given the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) to ethylene. No wonder, in the United States, the use of ethylene during the post-harvest phase of fruits, is permitted.

On the whole, natural ripening makes the fruit suitable for consumption but with artificial ripening agents like calcium carbide, the fruit is robbed of its healthy ingredients and flavor, making it less palatable. However, safer alternatives like ethylene when used judiciously, can accelerate the ripening process without producing any detrimental side effects.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Is Pho Soup Healthy For you?

Did You Know?
Avoiding the broth and eating only the veggies, noodles, and the meat will help reduce the intake of sodium from pho soup.

Pho soup is a popular Vietnamese dish, which is essentially a combination of broth, meat (beef or chicken), noodles, vegetables, and herbs. This broth-based noodle soup is often consumed during breakfast in Vietnam. A common street food in Vietnam, pho soup can be made in a variety of styles to suit one's individual taste. The following write-up discusses the nutritional aspect of pho soup.

Is Pho Soup Healthy?

Having a regular bowl of pho soup, which is around 619 g is an easy way to stock up on proteins, vitamins, and minerals. However, it is strongly advised to limit its intake as it is found to be high in salt content.

  • Nutrients         / Pho Soup (691 g)
  • Dietary Fiber-   2 g
  • Protein-            24 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates- 51 g
  • Total Fat -        6 g
  • Saturated fat -  2 g
  • Cholesterol-     35 mg
  • Sodium-           384 mg
  • Vitamin A-       4%
  • Vitamin C-       10%
  • Iron -               20%
  • Calcium -         4%

Source: kingcounty.gov
Percent values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.


With chicken or beef as the main ingredient of pho soup, one can definitely say that it is a high-quality protein source. When it comes to building muscles, the first thing that we are advised is to eat proteins and what better way than adding a bowl of pho soup to your diet. With a bowl of pho soup containing a whopping 24 g of protein, it can be a great addition to your meals.

The meat in pho soup is also a good source of essential minerals like iron and zinc. Iron helps in maintaining healthy blood cells, while zinc keeps the skin and hair healthy. The soup contains a whopping 20% daily recommended intake of iron. Calcium, the bone building mineral is also present in pho soup, which is around 4% of the recommended dietary intake.

Including pho soup in your diet will ensure that you get a dose of vitamins, that play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. The bean sprouts, lemon juice, and onion used in making the soup provide vitamins like A, B, and C. Herbs like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon that are used to make the soup more flavorful are also well-known for their health-promoting benefits.

Although vegetables are present in pho soup, they are far less in comparison to the amount of meat and noodles. However, when making the soup at home, you can always replace noodles and add more vegetables like carrots and cabbage to enhance its nutritional value.

Its sodium content is a major disadvantage from a health standpoint. Whether you have a small or a medium-sized bowl, its sodium content is in excess, which is a point of concern. A 619 g serving of pho soup contains around 384 g of sodium. However, if you have a larger bowl of soup, the sodium content may further increase and may go well over 500 g.

The daily recommended intake of sodium is around 1500 mg. So after having pho soup, you need to be cautious about your sodium consumption for the remaining part of the day. Too much consumption of pho soup can actually increase the intake of sodium, thereby increasing the chances of developing high blood pressure.

Cholesterol and Fat
Pho soup contains meat, which is often found to be moderately high in cholesterol and fats. A bowl of soup contains 2 g of saturated fat (10% of RDA) and 35 mg of cholesterol (12% of RDA).

However, the choice of meat added in the soup can make a huge difference in reducing its fat content. For instance, prefer lean cuts of meat as they are found to be significantly low in cholesterol and fats. The round cuts of beef are considered to be extra-lean and including them while preparing the dish can make it healthier. In short, pho soup made from lean cuts of meat can be added in your weight loss diet.


Carbohydrates mainly come from rice noodles, one of the important ingredients of pho soup. It is essentially refined carbohydrates (51 g per serving) which can also increase your blood pressure. So instead of rice noodles, opt for whole wheat noodles to add heart-healthy fiber to your dish.

On a positive side, since the ingredients of pho soup resemble those of chicken soup (known to relieve common cold), its intake can help treat nasal congestion, cough and even sore throat. On the whole, pho soup can always be customized to however you like it. By adding lean meat, your favorite veggies, and herbs, pho soup can certainly be part of a healthy meal.

Pho soup available in restaurants is often high in salts and also packs a calorie punch. So making the soup at home is a healthier option as it gives you the choice of ingredients to make it nutritious.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/is-pho-soup-healthy-for-you.html

Monday, May 18, 2015

Jaw Surgery Cost??

Did You Know?
Your additional out-of pocket cost for jaw surgery will most probably increase if you opt for non-metal braces.  

There are people in this world who are unable to speak or chew properly due to asymmetrical or misalignment of jaws. The upper or lower jaw shows excess growth which can considerably damage facial appearance. Jaws, characterized by asymmetry is the result of faulty bony structure. A protruding jaw or a receding chin is a perfect example of incorrect positioning of jaw. However, with the advent of jaw surgery, all these jaw and facial irregularities can be successfully corrected. A jaw surgery, when done properly can successfully realign the jaw and restore the natural symmetry of the face.

Jaw Surgery
A jaw surgery, be it corrective, underbite or orthodontic, is a procedure in which one or both the jaws are placed in their proper position. Abnormal alignment of jaws occur when the lower and upper jaws develop gradually at different rates. To correct this asymmetry, the jaws are repositioned. This procedure can remove functional problems like improper bite (under or overbites) and improve oral health.

The procedure generally involves moving the upper or lower jaw. In case the problem is with the lower jaw, then the jawbone is precisely cut and separated to move it in the backward or forward direction as required. Surgery that involves the upper jaw is performed by raising or lowering it. Sometimes the upper jaw is repositioned backward or forward to correct the misaligned jaw. Patients do experience some pain after surgery which can be managed by taking painkillers.

How Much Does a Jaw Surgery Cost?
This procedure is a bit complicated and is performed by experienced oral maxillofacial surgeons. In this surgical procedure, the teeth may also have to be repositioned for better facial profile. A person undergoing a jaw surgery will have to pay anywhere between $3,000 and $40,000 depending upon where the surgery is taking place and the dentist involved in conducting the operation. Following are the factors that determine the expenses of undergoing jaw surgery.

  • Doctor's Fee
  • Location
  • Severity
  • Purpose

Doctor's Fee
Surgeons having an extensive experience in executing this jaw surgery charge exorbitant fees, thus increasing the overall cost of jaw surgery. In general, the fee of the surgeon varies from $2,000 to $20,000.

The cost will also depend on where it is performed. In the United States, the cost of surgery is high ($20,000 to $40,000) as compared to any other country in the world. It is believed that operation charges in California state are quite high in comparison to other locations in United States.

However, in countries like Costa Rica, the corrective or the underbite jaw surgery cost is significantly less and quite affordable. If you are on a tight budget, you may go to Asian countries where the surgery cost is a meager $3,000-$4,000. In European countries, the average surgery cost ranges between $8,000-$12,000. In Australia, the total expenses of jaw surgery vary from $14,000 to $17,000.

This is yet another important aspect that can influence your hospital bills. If just one jaw has to be repositioned then it is obvious that the cost will be less in comparison to expenses incurred due to surgery involving realigning of both the jaws.

Severe cases involve moving the lower jaw backward and repositioning the upper jaw in both the forward and downward direction. Screws may also be implanted in some surgical procedures to fix the jaws. In such cases, the patient has to shell out quite a few bucks (which in some cases can go up to $80, 000) to make the jaws look symmetrical.

Anesthesia Fees
The jaw surgery will be carried out by giving the patient general anesthesia. The hospital authorities may have to specifically call an anesthesiologist to administer anesthesia. Their service charge will vary from $1,000 to $2,000. In addition to anesthesia charges, you may have to fork out $200 - $250 as lab fees.

For what reason are you undergoing surgery? Well, this question is likely to be asked by medical insurance companies. If your sole intention is cosmetic, which means to get an aesthetically pleasing look, then you have to bear all the expenses. However, in case the health insurance company is convinced that the purpose is strictly medical and that the surgery will help to resolve issues such as trouble eating, underbite or overbite problem then you would be entailed to medical insurance coverage.

Additional Costs
Surgery cost does not include the extra cost that you will have to incur before and after undergoing jaw surgery. For instance, the surgeon will advice you to wear braces that also help in aligning teeth. This is usually a pre and post-surgery requirement for better results. This additional cost will vary depending upon what type of your braces you are choosing.

Metal braces: $5,000 to $6,000
Ceramic braces: $4,000 to $8,000
Lingual Braces: $8,000 to $10,000
Invisalign: $4,000 to $7,400

An orthodontist who specializes in correcting the irregularities of the teeth, is also consulted before performing a corrective or underbite jaw surgery. The doctor ascertains whether the teeth should be moved (repositioned ) so that they align correctly, once the jaw is relocated. If there is a need, the orthodontist will ask the patient to wear braces to shift the teeth to the desired position. Wearing braces before and after surgery for about a year is necessary for rectifying the jaw asymmetry.

Health Insurance
If you are insured, you may have to pay as little as $100. However, in case your reimbursement policy covers only a part of the surgery cost, you may have to shell out as many as $5,000 or even more. Also, some heath insurance companies bear additional expenses, in turn reducing your out-of-pocket cost. However, in some cases, the medical coverage is often restricted to actual surgery cost, while the rest such as lab fees, doctor's fee, and additional costs are not covered. So, it all depends on the procedures and services that are included and excluded in your medical plan. Nevertheless, around 40% reduction in medical expenses is expected if you are protected by health insurance.
Did You Know?
Poor quality sleep has been linked to low magnesium levels. So eating high magnesium foods like almonds may help in improving sleep quality.

Difficulty falling asleep at night? Suffering from insomnia? Well, the first thing you will be told by your family and friends is to have a warm glass of milk just before retiring to bed. The reason given is that milk is an excellent source of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is proven to induce sleep. However, just because milk is high in tryptophan, does it mean that a glass of warm milk will cause sleepiness? Find the answers below.

Warm Milk Promotes Sleep - An Old Wives' Tale

Getting a restful good night's sleep has probably nothing to do with drinking a glass of warm milk. First of all, for any substance or medicine to induce sleep, it needs to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. This is how some of the sleeping pills available at pharmaceutical stores work; they can easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier which helps to treat sleeping disorders like insomnia.

The blood-brain barrier consists of endothelial cells that protect the brain tissues from pathogens, toxins, and even drugs that are circulating in the bloodstream. It is a filtering mechanism that keeps the brain safe from harmful substances.

When someone says that warm milk helps promote sleep, it essentially means that tryptophan present in milk enters the blood-brain barrier to cause sleepiness. Now the question is, can this happen? It sounds farfetched! This is because tryptophan, an amino acid has to compete with other amino acids such as tyrosine and isoleucine to breach the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain.

That tryptophan does not reach the brain was actually proved in a 2003 study conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and reported by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study observed that foods and dairy products that are high in proteins do not increase the uptake of tryptophan into the brain.

In short, it is extremely difficult for tryptophan to gain access to the brain. Even if it does, the amount of tryptophan that may get transported into the brain is too small to promote sleep.

Solution: Milk + Carbohydrates

The solution is to decrease the levels of other amino acids that are preventing tryptophan from crossing the blood-brain barrier. This can be achieved by increasing the production of insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels. In short, insulin secretion can help in lowering the amount of amino acids, in turn allowing tryptophan to easily gain access into the brain.

To stimulate insulin production, you need to eat carbohydrate foods (such as crackers, cereals, dried fruits) since they are high in sugar. So having a snack of crackers along with milk means tryptophan does not have to fight with other amino acids as their concentration significantly reduces due to intake of carbohydrates. This ensures increased uptake of tryptophan into the brain, thereby producing a dramatic effect on your ability to sleep.


As aforementioned, milk alone is unlikely to produce any sleep-inducing effect to make you feel drowsy. Those saying that a glass of warm milk makes them sleepy, the reason is more of psychological with no scientific evidence. So a mix of carbohydrates and proteins such as cereal-infused milk (breakfast cereals combined with milk) may help tryptophan to pass the blood-brain barrier, thereby producing a sleep-inducing effect.

So the next time you want to catch some zzzz's at night, make sure you have some carbohydrate foods along with your glass of warm milk. This combination will surely leave you feeling 'super' sleepy.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.