Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why Do Some People get more Sunburnt than Others?

According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, about 40 percent of people polled get a sunburn at least once a year.
Sunburns cause damage to skin tissues resulting in burns or reddening of the skin. It happens due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Other sources like tanning lamps, welding arcs, or ultraviolet germicidal irradiation may also have a similar effect on the skin. The symptoms of sunburns include reddish, tender, flaky, and itchy skin, blisters, pain, fatigue, and mild dizziness.

Why do some people get more sunburnt than others? Well, one's skin type and some other genetic factors make the individual more or less susceptible to sunburns. These people should necessarily avoid exposing themselves to sunlight for long hours. They should take the required care for protecting their skin from ultraviolet radiation, when outdoors.

What Increases the Risk of Sunburns

➺ People with a fair skin such as pale, white, or light brown, and with blond or red hair are more likely to get sunburns than dark-skinned people. This is because fair-skinned people have less while dark-skinned people have more melanin in their skin and hair. Melanin is a type of pigment that provides color to the skin, eyes, and hair, and helps to block UV radiation from the sun.

➺ People with light-colored eyes are more susceptible to sunburns. Light eyes indicate less melanin, which is why light-eyed people are at a higher risk of getting sunburns.

➺ Infants and young children are more sensitive to the effects of UV rays of the sun. Hence, extra care is necessary to protect their skin from sunlight.

➺ People staying in sunny or high-altitude regions are more likely to get sunburns as the sun's rays are stronger at higher altitudes. The radiation level increases by about 5% for every 300 m increase in elevation.

➺ People who reside in hot countries or close to the equator are more likely to get sunburns as the sun's rays are particularly intense there.

➺ People who go for trekking are more susceptible to sunburns due to direct exposure to the sun's rays as well as its reflection from the snow. It is important to know that snow, ice, or water reflects the sun's rays onto the skin.

➺ People who spend more time outdoors are greatly exposed to the sun. This increases their risk of skin burns and skin aging due to excessive sun exposure.

➺ Some medications like the antibiotic doxycycline can make one more susceptible to sunburns.

➺ Medical conditions like lupus also put one at the risk of getting sunburns.


➺ Always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher while stepping out in the sun. It will protect your skin from UV rays. Reapply it every three or four hours.

➺ Avoid going out in the sun in the middle of the day or in the afternoon. The sun's ultraviolet rays are the most intense during this time.

➺ Wear protective clothing such as full-sleeved shirts or tops, slacks, and hats when going outdoors.

➺ Make your children aware of sunburns and teach them the importance of protecting themselves from a young age, as this may help them make it a lifelong practice.

➺ While going out in the sun, it is necessary to wear sunglasses that do not allow UV rays to enter the eyes.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/why-do-some-people-get-more-sunburnt-than-others.html

Friday, July 24, 2015

300 Workout Diet

The movie 300 was surreal in the way the actors looked. Men envied those rippling muscles and six pack abs, while girls swooned at them. The workout regime that the cast went through, to prepare for the movie, was the talk of the town, when the movie released to packed houses in 2007. Designed by a renowned mountain climber and fitness trainer, Mark Twight, to train the cast of movie 300, 300 workout plan is one of the most popular workout plan around the globe. As everyone believes, it was not just the magic of a well designed workout, but involved many other factors, diet being the most important in creating those much admired six pack abs. Hence, 300 workout diet too became popular along with the workout. Unlike many other diet plans, it was created with a simple principle of - eating healthy.

Recommendations in This Diet Plan

Every workout diet plan, including this one recommends protein as the key for bodybuilding. These days, people do not exercise just to build muscles, but also to lose weight, and increase fitness level and energy. The aim of designing the 300 workout and diet plan was not only to sculpt the Spartan body, but also to provide constant energy during the whole training period. Hence, it recommended choosing healthier option of foods, instead of creating a fixed diet plan for everybody. There are many options of 300 workout supplements in the market today. An experienced fitness trainer would be the best person to advise whether you need these bodybuilding supplements, apart from eating healthy foods.

✦ Protein
Proteins are divided into two categories: complete and incomplete proteins. Protein helps in building and repairing muscle tissues, so it is important that you eat the right kind of protein. The foods that are described as complete proteins provide all the essential amino acids. The sources of complete proteins that contain low saturated fat are skimmed milk, skinless chicken breast, fish, egg whites, etc. The main sources of incomplete proteins are rice, bread, nuts, beans, etc. 300 workout diet does not mention the exact amount of protein that needs to be taken everyday to attain the 300 Spartan body, as fitness level and reason for workout differs from one person to another. If you are working out just to remain fit, then you wouldn't require much of protein, but if you are aiming to build muscles and six pack abs, then complete proteins are extremely necessary, as they contain amino acids that aid in muscle building.

✦ Carbohydrate

Since carbohydrate is the source of energy for our body, it is important even in the 300 exercise plan. Being a demanding and strenuous workout, the routine demands you to have very high energy level. So here the choice is also between healthy and unhealthy carbohydrate, not just the quantity of carbohydrate. Intake of same quantity of unhealthy carbohydrate would not yield the same result as the same amount of healthy carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are divided into two categories: simple and complex carbohydrates. Source of simple carbohydrates are white rice, refined flour, sugar, etc., while the source of complex carbohydrate are brown rice, whole wheat bread and pastas, vegetables, etc. So, the 300 diet plan involves consumption of healthy complex carbohydrates to meet the energy required for the workout, and also due to their high nutrient content.

✦ Fats

According to this diet, not all fats are bad. Fats are divided into three categories: saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats. Saturated and trans fats are the ones you should avoid, but unsaturated fats are necessary for the body. Sources of unsaturated fats are vegetables, olive oil, nuts, fish, etc.

✦ Micronutrients

Vitamins and minerals are classified as micronutrients, because they are required by the body in small quantities. Though micronutrients don't have a direct effect on your body, they are necessary for proper functioning of body. They are essential for strong vision, bones, teeth, and for proper functioning of heart, brain, and various other organs, etc. They even help prevent birth defects.

Tips for Following This Strict Diet Plan

Here are some useful tips for those who wish to follow 300 diet and workout plan:

➺ Take small and frequent meals.
➺ Avoid processed high-fat foods.
➺ Take magnesium and zinc supplements.
➺ Take whey protein supplements, and drink whey protein.
➺ Drink lots of water to build muscles, as water is a major component of muscles.
➺ For muscle building, follow protein, carbohydrate, fat ratio of 40%, 40% and 20%.
➺ Before bed, take protein like milk and eggs which will help prevent muscle loss while sleeping.
➺ If you want the 300 muscles without steroids, add plenty of almonds in your diet for six pack abs.

Diet plays an important role in the success of a workout. 300 workout being a demanding and strenuous exercise routine, needed a well-planned diet plan. People with different fitness levels, either aiming to build muscles or increase their fitness level, have taken to 300 workout. So for them, following an appropriate diet, as aforementioned, is simply following a healthy balanced diet. Over time, people have realized that being strong, healthy, and fit not only enhances your looks, but also has a huge effect on your self-esteem.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/300workout-diet.html

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Is the Paleo Diet Healthy?

The Paleo Diet focuses on eating when you're hungry rather than counting calories.

The Paleo Diet has been hailed as one of the most natural, normal diets that anyone could follow. It doesn’t ask you to buy a whole lot of brand name, pre-made food which makes it appealing to people who don’t like getting their meals out of a cardboard box. It just asks you to focus on whole foods and healthy living. What could be so bad about that, right? The problem is, if you don’t do it right, you could end up with some unintended consequences that could hit you down the road with unforeseen health problems. Read on to find out of the Paleo Diet might be safe for you.

Paleo Diet 101

Basically, the Paleo Diet focuses on eating real, whole foods, just like our Paleolithic ancestors. Of course, we cannot eat just like our ancestors; that would be impossible because of the way we live and the foods available to us today. However, the goal is to get as close as possible. This means that you need to buy fresh foods and prepare them yourself. You also should avoid foods our ancestors didn’t have access to: dairy, rice, grains, corn, legumes, and sugars. This leaves the focus on meat, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. You don’t count calories on the Paleo Diet either; just eat when you’re hungry. When you eat less junk, your body processes the good stuff quicker, so calorie counting doesn’t matter anymore.

Unsafe Paleo Dieting

Of course, eating whole foods that aren’t pre-packaged sounds like a great idea and very, very healthy. However, if you aren’t careful, the Paleo Diet can get unhealthy quickly. With no dairy, you run the risk of a calcium deficiency. With no grains, bread, and corn, it can be difficult to keep your energy up. Also, if you are on this diet to lose weight, the tendency is to eat much less than normal because you’ve cut out a lot of the fillers you used to use to keep you full. Such a significant reduction in calories could cause many health issues.

Ways to Keep it Healthy

First and foremost, make sure you are eating enough. Eat when you are hungry rather than at certain times of the day. Listen to your body; if you are starving, you need to eat. Also, don’t shy away from fats. By cutting out many of the carbohydrates you used to eat, you’ve depleted an energy source for yourself. You need to replace that with protein and fat to keep your body fueled. Also, be sure you are getting good nutrients. You’ve cut out dairy, for example, so find another source of calcium like almond milk. Finally, remember there is a transition period where you’ll feel like you don’t want to keep going. That’s totally normal; stick with it and you’ll start to see results as long as you are careful.


The Paleo Diet also encourages cheating. In fact, when you are full Paleo, you actually can cheat during three meals per week. That means if you are dying for some pizza, you can have it. Just don’t overdo it. After a while on the diet, you probably won’t want it anymore anyway because you’ll realize how bad it makes you feel.

Why it Fails – Sometimes

Making all your own food can be incredibly difficult. To avoid this, pre-make as much of your food as you can on weekends and evenings. Also, use leftovers to your advantage. Finally, find some easy recipes that don’t require a lot of ingredients or prep work. Also, depriving yourself of the things you love, like candy and cheese, can be very hard. Try to find alternatives where you can, or know that you can cheat a little bit. Paleo eating is more about overall health than each meal you eat.

In conclusion, the Paleo Diet can be a very healthy diet to follow if you do it right. People on this diet see great results both in their appearance and their overall health. Just be sure to keep track of the nutrients you are taking in, to ensure it is healthy for you, and talk to a doctor if you have any concerns.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/is-the-paleo-diet-healthy.html

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Zumba Benefits

Zumba is the new, high-intensity workout that fuses Latin dance with hip-hop and a cardio workout that will have you burning 400+ calories per hour. With an interesting class format that keeps you moving for the entire hour, this workout is unlike anything you have ever experienced before. The benefits of Zumba are not only physical. It can help to ease your mind and increase confidence as well.

What to Expect from a Zumba Class

Zumba classes are unlike any other cardio classes. In most cardio classes, the instructor shows a set of moves and explains things and talks to the members as the class goes on. Breaks are also taken in between exercises in cardio classes for water and to avoid exertion. In Zumba, however, once the class starts, you don't stop moving until the class is over. The instructor usually has a mix of music that will last an hour, or however long the class is. Starting with a simple dance that constitutes a warm-up, the instructor does not talk at all during the entire class. Instead, he or she shows the class what to do with hand signals and with his or her own dancing. The class is expected to follow along. The movements often repeat themselves during different portions of the music, so it is easy to keep up and learn new moves. During one Zumba session, you might do some Latin-based dance movements as well as some hip-hop and other dances like belly dancing. All of these movements work together to give you a full workout that not only works your muscles but also gets your heart racing. If you've never done Zumba or have never danced before, never fear. The class isn't about being a great dancer. It's about doing a good workout and having fun. No one is going to judge you, so jump in!

Cardio Fitness Benefits

There are obvious benefits to a Zumba class. You are working to raise your heart rate and do a good cardio workout. There are no weights involved, so the entire workout is cardio based. However, with squats and arm movements built in to the dance movements, you will feel soreness in your muscles when you are done working out like you would with weight training. If you are wearing a heart rate monitor, you can see that, depending on how intense you are with the movements, you can burn much more than 400 calories in an hour, which is a huge fitness benefit. The great thing about Zumba is that it is different every time. Every class holds a new set of dance moves, and every instructor brings something new to the dance floor. Also, you can do whatever feels good for your body. If you have an injury or are just starting to dance or work out, you can take it easy for a while and test out moves to see what your body can handle. Once you feel ready, then you can up your workout by upping the intensity.

Additional Benefits

Dancing has many additional benefits aside from burning calories. First, it's just plain fun. Moving your body in new ways can help you explore movement and range of motion. It can also help with your posture. Becoming a good dancer requires great posture and, therefore, you will have to consciously have to maintain good posture during your workout. The best benefit of all is building confidence and self-esteem. Through Zumba, or any dance, you will feel good about yourself and that will get carried forward in your life, on and off the dance floor.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/zumba.html

World's Fastest Diet to Lose Weight

World's fastest diet! Does it exist or is it a myth? Well, if you are curious to know what is the fastest diet in the world, then this article shall provide you the necessary information. Fastest diet refers to diet that brings about quick weight loss in a natural way. Today, people have become too much conscious about their diet and losing weight has become one of their prime objectives in life. In the process of doing so, they often commit the common mistake of following crash diets, that show reverse effects in the long run. However, the fastest diet entails balancing the nutrients in desired proportion and maintain the calorie count at a standard level.

Facts about World's Fastest Diet

The most harmful of all foods are those containing carbohydrates in simple forms. You automatically lose weight if you curtail consumption of carbohydrates drastically. While planning the fastest diet, you must incorporate those foods that are nutritious and healthy. Another important aspect is that, you must limit your calories only to 1500, until you are undergoing heavy impact exercises. Thus, count your calories while having meals.

Curtail Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates should be eliminated completely if you want to achieve quick weight loss. White flour, refined sugar, white bread and white rice have dangerous consequences in body. Avoid fast foods and junks completely. Instead you can replace with complex carbohydrates, like whole wheat pasta, brown bread, oatmeal and cornflakes. These foods contain healthy carbs that are essential for you in small amounts.

Include Unsaturated Fatty Acids

Omega-3-fatty acids belong to group of unsaturated fatty acids that are necessary to fulfill the nutritional demand of your body. Different types of fish like tuna, salmon, herring, mackerel are rich sources of omega fatty acids. Dairy products like low fat butter and cheese also contain unsaturated fatty acids. If you are aiming to lose weight then you can have peanuts instead of almonds or cashews. Lentils, pulses and peas are excellent sources of fatty acids.

More Amount of Proteins

Proteins become the prime source of nutrition when you are curtailing fats and carbohydrates from your diet. Rich sources of proteins include animal products like lean meat, chicken breast, beef rib and turkey. Egg white and skimmed milk also contain high amounts of proteins. Along with these foods, you must combine vegetables and fruits in large amounts to give your body fibers, vitamins and minerals.

World's Fastest Diet Plan

  • Start your day with a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice. Lemon water is also known as the master cleanse diet that helps in emulsification of fats. Drink at least 3 glasses of water within an hour to detoxify your body early in the morning. You must consume at least 3 liters of water daily.
  • Never skip your breakfast in the morning. Your breakfast should comprise one hard-boiled egg or scrambled eggs. You can also have oats or cornflakes with skimmed milk. Have a banana at breakfast or a fruit dish containing apples, avocado, guava, melon and cantaloupe.
  • Have small portion of lunch and incorporate more protein during lunch time. Have boiled chicken, baked fish or grilled turkey along with a plate of fresh vegetable salad. Tofu salad, spinach soup and whole wheat tortillas are enough for lunch.
  • You dinner should be as light as possible. Have vegetarian meals for dinner. Prepare a soup by boiling carrots, cabbage, beet, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce and onions. You can also bake the vegetables and cook in minimum amounts of extra virgin olive oil. Soups prepared from pulses and lentils are also healthy.
  • If you tend to feel hungry between meals, then you can quench your hunger with fresh fruit juices, peanuts, whole wheat crackers and popcorn. Avoid canned juices, aerated drinks and sugary foods.

I hope you have understood how effectively nutrients have been balanced in this diet plan. Losing weight in a healthy manner in quite possible by following the world's fastest diet explained in the aforementioned content. Consume meals in small portions and have snacks that are low in calories to maintain the standard calorie count.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/worlds-fastest-diet-to-lose-weight.html

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Ramdev Baba Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga popularized by Ramdev baba has gained immense popularity in the past couple of years. With increasingly large number of people benefiting from the yogic exercises suggested by him, it has become a great alternative to eliminate the extra body fat and regain a slimmer and healthier body.

Reasons Behind Popularity of Yoga

Hailed by the New York Times as the "Indian Who Built Yoga Empire", Ramdev baba is a yoga guru who has become an international figure, owing to his popularity of making yogic sciences available to the masses, in simple and easy steps. He believes that yoga and ayurveda both have the ability to impart healthy body to even a diseased person. Many of his followers have reaped immense benefits from his yogic exercises as well as medicines.

Readers must understand that Ramdev baba has not invented any new techniques of doing yoga, rather he has made yoga simpler and easier for the laymen to understand. A large number of people attending his camps all across the globe have claimed to have reaped phenomenal benefits by practicing yoga. Weight loss is one of the health areas where maximum number of people have gained benefits. People with thyroid problems, who find exercises ineffective in their weight control have been reported to have benefited from yoga and breathing exercises.

Yoga Asana For Weight Loss: Cycling Pose

Ramdev baba yoga focuses more on living a healthy lifestyle by combining it with a few sessions of yogic exercises and pranayama (breathing exercises). One of the most popular exercises recommended by him is to practice the cycling pose, which is very simple and effective. Following are the steps to do this exercise which is also called Pada Sanchalanasana:

  • Lie on a bed or yoga mat with your face upwards. Just like in the primary pose of Shavasana.
  • Relax and close your eyes for sometime by being conscious of your entire body.
  • Think of how we use our legs during cycling. You have to do exactly the same.
  • Open your eyes, breathe deeply, and start practicing the cycling asana.
  • Raise your right leg little above the floor for at least 2 feet in the air.
  • Bend the knee and gradually bring the thigh up to the chest.
  • Straighten the leg upward, with the sole towards the ceiling.
  • Now lower the straight leg in forward movement.
  • Repeat this entire process by going forward and backward ten times.
  • While raising and lowering the right leg, keep the other leg straight, touching the mat or bed.
  • Repeat the entire procedure with the left leg.

Remember to inhale while straightening the leg and exhale while bending the knee.

Pranayama for Weight Loss: Kapalbhati Pranayama

Although there are six to seven breathing exercises that have been popularized by Ramdev baba, the most effective one is Kapalbhati Pranayama. The word 'Kapalbhati' is derived from the Sanskrit word "kapal" meaning "forehead" and "bhati" meaning light. It is said that practicing this pranayama imparts luster and shine to the forehead, improving our overall health. Kapalbhati pranayama is one of the most preferred and very effective breathing exercises. In Kapalbhati, there is a forceful exhalation that is accompanied by passive inhalation. Following are the steps to perform this breathing exercise:

  • Sit cross-legged in a comfortable asana and breath normally.
  • The spine, back, and shoulder must be in vertical alignment. You must sit straight by elongating your spine and lengthening your neck. The back of your head and spine must be aligned properly.
  • Relax and close your eyes. Let your breathing be normal. Don't strain or think about anything else. Just try to focus on your breathing.
  • The hands must be in gyan mudra. This means that your thumb and index fingertips must meet, and the wrist must rest gently on the knees with the palms turned slightly upwards.
  • Let the stomach muscles relax, and mentally prepare yourself to breathe.
  • Now, expel the air as forcefully as you can. Do not strain. This will cause the abdominal muscles to be drawn inwards. It is just like the stomach muscles are sucked in. Remember not to draw your stomach inwards without exhaling. Your exhalation will automatically cause the abdominal muscles to be drawn inwards.
  • Allow the inhalation to occur totally without any extra efforts.
  • Repeat the exhalation and inhalation cycle for at least 10 times.
  • In the starting sessions, inhale and exhale as per your body strength.

Initially, you may experience mild pain in the abdominal region; however, it may disappear with more practice. Kapalbhati pranayama must only be practiced on an empty stomach. The ideal time for practicing it is early in the morning. People who wish to practice kapalbhati in the evening should do so, only after 4-5 hours of their afternoon lunch. Yogic and breathing exercises supplemented by proper diet for weight loss can lead to a healthy body and mind. Ramdev baba encourages individuals aiming for weight loss to stop the consumption of aerated or carbonated drinks. He recommends the consumption of green vegetables, sprouts, pulses, salads, and fibrous foods, and avoidance of spicy or oily foods. Drinking one or two glasses of water every morning after we wake up, not only fosters digestion but also helps balance the fluids in our body.

Many people have benefited from Ramdev baba yoga for weight loss and individuals interested in watching him live can visit his camps or purchase his yoga CDs. The official website of Ramdev baba provides information regarding the yogic exercises to lose weight.

This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/ramdev-baba-yoga-for-weight-loss.html

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Things You Should Never Do While Trying to Get in Shape

Did You Know?
Using tapeworm is one of the worst and most dangerous measures taken to shed off pounds. On consuming tapeworm pills, the worm grows inside the body, and lives off the food we eat. Apart from being very gross (imagine a live worm in your stomach), it can be dangerous and can lead to death.
Healthy weight loss is achieved by following a healthy diet, increasing your level of physical activity, and adopting good lifestyle habits. Period. But some lack the motivation or patience to follow healthy techniques to lose weight. Those desperately looking to get in shape will resort to any 'quick' method available. They may not realize that these methods can put their overall health at risk.

Here are the common myths or wrong weight loss methods that should be avoided. Make sure you do not make these mistakes when trying to lose weight.
Relying on Packaged 'Diet' Food

Nowadays, a lot of prepackaged diet meals are available in the market (Pure Package, Diet to Go). Here, you get a pre-designed packed box of breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner every day. As these foods contain less amounts of calories, they are claimed to be effective. However, what people are unaware of is that these foods contain preservatives, sugar, and other additives. Secondly, drastically cutting down on calories can slow down your metabolism. Products like diet soda contains artificial sweeteners and caffeine, which does more harm to the body than good. Substituting a balanced and nutritious meal with anything marked 'diet' or 'fat-free' food is actually not healthy. Consuming foods with high sugar can lead to diabetes and kidney damage, whereas, consuming foods with high amounts of sodium can lead to hypertension. Packaged or anything coming in a box is not healthy. It may be convenient, but the additives in these foods will prevent you from losing weight, and is not healthy either.

Eating Fat-Free Food

What most of us are unaware about is that fat-free does not necessarily mean low in calories. It's true that consuming less fats can help you get in shape sooner, but packaged 'fat-free' foods are loaded with carbohydrates and sugar, and hence, are high in calories. Secondly, low fat foods like dried fruits, nuts, beans, dairy, packaged yogurt, salad dressings, pretzels, etc., contain high amounts of calories. For example, fruit juices (fresh as well as packaged ones) contain no fat, but have high calories. Therefore, consuming more than 1 glass of fruit juice will not help in warding off excess weight, due to the high caloric intake.

 Relying on a Liquid Diet

To rely only on fruit and vegetable juice to lose weight is a wrong method, for two reasons. Firstly, by substituting your meal with only juice, you decrease the calorie intake drastically. It will help lose weight, but it can cause health problems like lack of energy, nutritional deficiency, headaches, stomach disorders, etc. We require carbohydrates and proteins to gain energy. Secondly, if you consume fruit or vegetable juices, but do not cut down on their portion sizes, you may still gain weight because of the high calorie content (read the aforementioned 'Eating Fat-Free Food'). Watching your portions, following a balanced diet, and exercising to burn off excess calories, is the best way to be healthy and fit.

 Not Cutting Down on Food Intake

Exercise plays an important role in maintaining healthy weight. It is true that exercise helps burn extra calories, but it will probably not help you much if you do not take care of your diet by reducing your calorie intake. If you believe you can exercise every day and eat to your heart's content, you are mistaken. For healthy weight loss, you need to burn more calories than you consume. So, you need to limit the intake of food, else, the amount of calories consumed will exceed those burnt off. Now, those sweating out for hours together at the gym, did you know that extreme exercising is also linked to premature aging?

 Using Sauna Suits or Rubber Belts

You may come across many products that claim to promote quick weight loss, like rubber belts, sauna suits, etc. If you wish to get rid of excess weight, you need to burn off fat. Sauna does not help burn fat, it just helps in losing water weight. You will regain weight as soon as you replenish your lost fluids by drinking water. Sauna suits induce excessive sweating, which can have harmful side effects like severe dehydration, loss of electrolytes, heatstroke, etc. Using a sauna suit is not a safe way to lose weight.

 Having Time-Based Meal Plans

A diet that suggests you to follow a rigid meal plan is not a practical approach to weight loss. In the present day lifestyle, it is impossible to follow a rigid time-based meal plan, unless, of course, you are waited on hand and foot. If your diet plan says not to have meals after 6pm, it may not be possible every day, as you are working, have chores to fulfill, etc. Having specific set of foods at specific times is impractical and difficult. In fact, eating healthy snacks when hungry can boost your metabolism. Remember, eating when hungry, and only so much as to suppress your hunger, is the correct way to go.

 Believing Skinny is Fit

Weight loss is usually recommended to those who are overweight or have a BMI higher than normal. However, once you get rid of the unwanted fat, you should aim to maintain that, and stop the unwanted fat from returning. Remember, being skinny does not mean you are fit or healthy. In most of the cases, being skinny is associated with fasting and starving, which leads to health problems like nutritional deficiency, headaches, stomach disorders, dehydration, etc. A skinny person can be as unhealthy as an overweight person due to wrong food and lifestyle habits. Compromising on your food and following crazy diets can be harmful. Being underweight takes a toll on your overall health, and is commonly associated with malnutrition, weak immune system, disorders of the skin, hair, stomach, etc.

 Skipping Exercise

As mentioned above, it is a myth that only extensive exercising or strength training in the gym helps lose weight. Although there is no doubt that these exercises are effective, there is no denying the fact that other exercise types like aerobic exercises, household chores (lawn mowing, washing the car, scrubbing), or other daily physical activities like climbing the stairs, are also equally effective. Walking, running, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. (along with good food habits), help in losing and maintaining proper body weight. A regular exercise regime combined with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits is the ideal way to get in shape.

 Starving Yourself

Cutting down on fatty and high-calorie foods is recommended in every weight loss plan. But some take it to another level, forget the word 'wrong' foods, and go on a near-death starvation diet. Our body needs food to keep going, to gain energy, and also to perform different functions in the body. Starvation deprives the body of its fuel. Along with fat loss, starvation also causes muscle loss. Secondly, as your body starts conserving energy, the metabolism slows down drastically, and fewer calories are burnt. This means, even when you switch to a healthy diet later on, you will have trouble burning calories. Did you know that the effects of starvation can take nearly a year to reverse completely?

 Having Diet Pills/Drugs

Diet pills and drugs, like appetite suppressants, magic pills, laxatives, purgatives, etc., are used by some dieters to get in shape quickly. Many manufacturers claim weight loss with these pills, sans diet or exercise. Although this may appear very convenient and easy, it is not safe. Many diet pills contain large amounts of caffeine or appetite suppressants that will never make you feel hungry. There are no immediate effects of these diet pills, except a few side effects like anxiety, headaches, fatigue, lethargy, etc. But these pills are very addictive, and there are chances of developing a tolerance for the same. You will resume the lost weight after stopping the pills, if you do not follow a proper diet and exercise routine.

Sometimes, people adopt extreme weight loss methods like starvation or the tapeworm pills method mentioned above. It is not only dangerous but can have serious long-term health hazards. If you come across any bizzare or unconventional diet or weight loss tips, make sure you have detailed information about all its pros and cons, and after effects. If in doubt, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or a certified nutritionist before commencing any weight loss routine.

It is possible to lose weight with healthy methods. Following are the things you can do to achieve an ideal weight and maintain it.

What To Do

  • Follow healthy food habits.
  • Consult a nutritionist and understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy food.
  • Stop binging and emotional eating.
  • Do not skip meals. But, watch your portions.
  • Exercise regularly for 20-30 minutes every day.
  • Be physically active.
  • Follow a practical weight loss plan.
  • Continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle even after you lose weight.
  • Try to reduce stress.
  • Stay focused and motivated.

Remember a simple principle - as excess weight is not gained overnight, it cannot be lost in a short time either. Give yourself some time. Although healthy methods may take a bit longer to work, they are more effective, and definitely beneficial in the long term.

This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only. Consult your doctor/nutritionist for a personalized diet plan.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/things-you-should-never-do-while-trying-to-get-in-shape.html

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why Yoga is Better Than Going to the Gym

International Yoga Day
June 21 was declared International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly, in December 2014.

While deciding any type of exercise over the other, your approach and purpose behind making a choice is very important. Let's say yoga is the best. But, it is not like an intensive 15-day routine that will help you lose five pounds a week. Although, if you seek complete health, then it is the perfect option for you.

In this age of race and competition, what we continuously aim at is achieving a balance. That is what yoga teaches us. To balance, not only through physical postures, but throughout several facets in our life. According to Patanjali, yoga is 'Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha', or the cessation of mental fluctuations. Calming the mind is what yoga is all about. So gym or yoga? Which is better? Let's find out.

Why Yoga is Good For You

1. Tones the Body and Mind

Going to the gym mostly trains only the physique. It strengthens the muscles and makes the body sturdy and well-built. Yoga, on the other hand, tones the body as well as the mind. Flexibility is attained when you practice different asanas (postures); these make you lean. But yoga is not merely about the asanas, as it also includes various breathing practices that ensure a healthy and peaceful mind.

2. No Equipment Needed

Except for the fact that you must be awake, yoga requires no preparation, nor any heavy equipment for a workout. It can be practiced anywhere. If I feel like doing some asanas early in the morning at 4 o'clock, I can. All I need is myself, and perhaps a mat (a carpet works too). That is definitely affordable, right?

3. No Risk of Injuries

Another point where yoga wins over training in the gym, is that it is free from any risks of physical injury. You do not have the chance of accidentally hurting yourself because you lifted weights, or because you were in an uncomfortable position. In yoga, you move and stretch with ease, and only where you can.

4. Improves Metabolism

Metabolism refers to the chemical processes within our body that break down matter (food) to produce energy components like proteins. Digestion is an important element of metabolism. Yoga improves your digestive system. If you do not feel hunger, you would start to, or if you tend to overeat, you would begin to cut down on some comfort food.

5. Non-competitive

The environment in a gym is different, where you tend to compare yourself with the people around you. How much faster, how much better than others can I do, is the goal while you are walking on a treadmill or in an aerobics session. There also are many distractions like loud music; you tend to simply follow the group in a gym routine. On the contrary, yoga requires you to focus on yourself, no one else matters. You may be a little bulkier than others, but the shape of your body is no important here.

6. A Stress Buster

After a heavy workout at the gym, you may experience fatigue and tiredness. Alternatively, with yoga, which mostly ends with a few minutes of breathing and meditation, you don't experience that. It is a powerful stress buster, as it heals you from both, the outside and inside.

7. Healthy Eating Habits

A routine in the gym may make you feel hungry after exercise, and also stressed out at times. You may end up consuming as much calories as you burned, or even more. The goodness of yoga lies in that it naturally directs you to healthy dietary habits. You tend to eat at the right times, and the right quantities of highly nutritious foods. All because you know the rhythm of your body.

8. Breathing Connects the Mind and Body

Mindfulness, being in the present, looking within ourselves, and introspection just happens, of course, when one practices yoga. Any change in our emotions alters our breathing pattern. So, our breath is the only powerful tool to control our emotions, that further helps us maintain a healthy body. You learn about your body through a variety of postures. The mind-body union, which is the basic underlying concept of 'yoga' ('yuj' the root term meaning union), also improves memory and the ability to concentrate.

9. Saves Time and Money

One of the simplest reasons of why yoga is good, is that it saves a lot of time and money. You need not waste your time in traveling to the gym, nor adjusting yourself to the gym timings. Also, the fees you pay to get in shape seem a waste when you again put on weight, because you discontinued the exercise. Yoga saves you all that trouble.

Physical exercise combined with meditation inculcates happiness and peace within. So, especially today, when most of the stress is mental and psychological, yoga provides a better way to find your own self, and accept it happily.