Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fat Loss: HOW TO BUILD YOUR MUSCLES...........


How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

The information about how to build muscle and lose fats is presented by means of some useful tips. One should not expect to gain muscles or lose fats in a short period of time, but keep long-term goals for improving the overall health.

The secret behind gaining muscles and losing fats is quite simple to understand and implement; the key is to build a strong body through regular exercise and healthy diet. Our body always provides signals regarding any change that takes place in the system. Excess fat gained by the body is a burden that one doesn't need to carry the whole life. It is always possible to make positive changes in the lifestyle and thereby, health to lead a good life. There are many training programs out there which guarantee about losing fats in a certain specific period. There is nothing false or deceptive about the claims made by many of these programs. However, it is necessary to understand that it is you who need to make the positive changes in your regular routine to enjoy a good health. There is no quick-fix solution to build muscle and lose fat fast.

Building Muscles and Losing Fats

The process of building muscle and losing fats revolves around two important aspects i.e. proper exercise and healthy diet.

Strength Training
It is the best way to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Weight training workouts and body-weight exercises are commonly used in strength training. It is better to start with body-weight exercises like push-ups. A beginner should especially use body weight exercises since, using weights (without proper guidance) can harm the muscles and joints of bones. Once, you become strong enough to lift weights, you can start with empty barbells for training. The weight should then be increased gradually after obtaining the necessary advice from your instructor.

Squats are an important form of body-weight exercises in which muscles of the legs are trained. Muscles of thighs and also the abdomen are exercised in this workout. One can build muscle and burn fat at the same time by strengthening the abdomen muscles. This is because most of the body fat gets deposited in the belly region. Crunches are a similar form of abdominal exercises which help build muscle and lose fats at the same time.

Resting the muscles after a workout is necessary since, the rest phase provides time for protein synthesis. By not giving enough rest, one actually disturbs the muscle-building process. It takes about 2-4 hours after the exercise for the rebuilding process to begin. It is important to provide enough rest to the muscles for allowing them to grow and become stronger. Many of us want quick results and in the urge of building muscles fast, they get damaged. One should give enough time for the body to make necessary repairs and avoid working out beyond the body limit. Following the above mentioned tips should definitely help in building muscles and losing fats.

Nutritious Diet
A nutritious diet helps nurture the body by fulfilling its needs. The body needs proteins and carbohydrates to build up the muscle mass. Repairs of body muscles also takes place by means of a nutritious (protein rich diet). Leguminous foods are recommended as protein rich diet for building up muscles; milk is also one of the great sources of proteins. As far as possible, one should avoid eating junk food. Such kind of food contains trans-fats (present in cheese) and is therefore, responsible for fat gain. Another disadvantage of consuming junk foods is that these are full of chemicals (preservatives) and have an adverse effect on the overall development of the body.

Most of the health-related problems in our lives are the result of the lifestyle we follow. The processes of losing fats and building muscles are interrelated. Only if we set a few things right, it is possible to enjoy a great health. Hope, the article proves to be useful for beginners in their quest to build muscles and lose fats.
Read more at Buzzle:

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