Thursday, August 27, 2015

Information About The Trans Fat Ban

Ready-to-eat foods form the staple diet of most people living alone, as well as pastries, donuts, and other baked products. All of them contain a common ingredient - trans fat. The US FDA has given food manufacturers till the end of 2018 to come up with substitutes, after which it will ban any product that contains trans fat. This Buzzle post tries to find out the reason behind the ban on trans fat.

Tagged Under: Unsaturated Fats

Trans fat consumption increases risk of cardivascular diseases

Zero Percent

Soylent is a energy drink advertised as a staple meal consisting of zero percent trans fat and is preferred by vegans and health-conscious consumers in North America.
In a world that is fast becoming selfie-obsessed, nothing drives us to eat healthy more than to look perfect for the cameras. Glowing, blemish-free skin is worth dieting for. Having home-cooked food with fat-free butter used as a substitute, healthy living doesn't come easier than this. But, as consumers, we hardly read the fine print and buy foods that are trans fat-free. So, what exactly is so bad about trans fat that we need to avoid it completely?

Trans fat is a type of unsaturated fat that behaves like a saturated fat. Now, if this fat is consumed in huge quantities, it can increase the risk of many cardiovascular diseases. The pastries and cakes made by your favorite baker, french fries and burgers that we eat only once in a while, all use oils that contain trans fat.

After much deliberation, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided to ban the uses of trans fatty acids in any form and has given major restaurants and processed food makers a duration of 3 years to search for a substitute to make America trans-fat-free. Since many of our foods wouldn't taste the same, it has resulted in a heated debate in lieu of the government's decision to ban such a harmful substance.

What is trans fat?

● Trans fat are saturated fats found in animals such as sheep, cows, and pigs. Consuming the meat of these animals is considered healthy, since the amount of trans fat found in them is pretty minimal.

● Trans fat found in these animals contain conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and are recommended by doctors to prevent heart disease.

● Trans fat owe their popularity to German inventor, Wilhelm Normann, who invented the process of hydrogenation in 1930, as a substitute to butter. This led to the finding of cheaper alternatives and the creation of vegetable shortening and margarine. His formula was sold by Procter & Gamble under the name of Crisco.

● Normal vegetable oils that have undergone the process of hydrogenation have high amounts of trans fat. The process involves turning unsaturated fat into a solid form that is mixed in vegetable oils or partially hydrogenated oils (PHO) that is used for frying foods.

● Trans fat is found in margarine, cheese, vegetable shortening, lard, fried foods and ready-to-eat products.

● They are also found in coffee creamers, donuts, biscuits, and other baked goods.

Where are they used?

● They are used in ready-to-bake products and ready-to-cook products like frozen foods, and most fast-foods. Trans fat are used in these products to give them a longer shelf life.

Reason for the ban

● Earlier, the FDA had permitted food manufacturers to mention trans-fat-free on their products if each serving had less than 0.5 grams of trans fat. Many manufacturers actually ran with it and even advertised it to entice consumers. But these foods, if consumed in excess can cause obesity, clog the arteries leading to heart congestion or worse.

● Trans fat increases the LDL (bad cholesterol) and reduces HDL (good cholesterol) in our body.

● Since 2013, trans fat has been recognized as unsafe and considered an illegal food additive.

● According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, removing trans fat from foods can prevent up to 20,000 heart attacks ever year.

Other nations that have banned trans fat

● Denmark has made it illegal to have foods that contain more than 2 percent trans fat.

● Countries such as Netherlands, Costa Rica, Brazil, and South Korea have advocated similar policies to battle the fat increasing menace.

Benefits of going Trans-fat-free

● Eating home cooked food, instead of foods filled with trans fatty acids will reduce the risk of heart disease.

● Trans fat foods have zero nutritional value and only increase the risk of obesity. This can be prevented by indulging in lean meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables that are high in nutrients.

● Indulging in foods that contain healthy fats, such as olives, avocados, almonds, and coconut oil, can minimize the artery blockage and keep the blood pressure in check. These fats contain omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which improve the blood flow and enhance the functions of the brain and heart.

The American Heart Association actually recommends having less than 2 grams of trans fat per day. Though many countries have banned the use of trans fats outright, Canada and Japan still advocates its use.
Read more at Buzzle:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Paleo Diet Recipes

You must have read about the paleolithic era in your school history books, a period of 2.5 million years, and this era ended about 10,000 years ago. During this period of time, man learned agricultural techniques, domesticated animals for farming and other needs. He also sharpened his hunting skills and practiced a diet with healthy vegetables, fruits and meat. This diet which includes these foods which were eaten during this time is called the paleolithic or the paleo diet.

It is now also commonly known as the "caveman diet" and the contemporary or modern form of this diet includes foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, game meat, fish and seafood. The foods that are not included in this diet are fatty meats, dairy products, grains, processed oil, sugar, legumes and salt, the reason being some of these foods were discovered after the paleolithic period. Because the paleolithic diet includes a lot of protein, fat and less carbs, it is an excellent diet for athletes more than common people. In the paragraphs below, we have put together some great paleo diet recipes, take a look.

Recipes to Make at Home

In the process of evolution, humans thrived on very basic foods such as game meat that they hunted for (Bear, Kangaroo, Turtle, Reindeer, Wild boar, etc), lean meat (London broil, Pork chops, Lean veal, beef, etc.), fish and shellfish, fowl, roots of plants, leaves, fruits and even flowers. The first methods of eating these foods, before man discovered fire were raw without even cleaning them. But when he realized the digestion problems he had to face because of them, he avoided eating those.

Foods such as grains, potatoes, beans and others cannot be consumed without cooking and thus they were avoided by the paleolithic man. When man realized the importance of agriculture and domestication, he brought foods such as flour, yogurt, sugar and salt into his diet. Therefore, the paleolithic diet doesn't consist of these foods, but the ones that were eaten raw. However, today, it is not possible to eat these foods in the same manner like the paleolithic man, and thus they are prepared with spices and tasteful ingredients. Here are some recipes mentioned just for, take a look.

  • Leafy Chips

1 bunch of any leafy vegetable (kale, spinach, etc.)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons of melted cooking fat
Ground black pepper
Sea salt


You can start by washing the leafy vegetables thoroughly with warm water and then drain and dry, while you preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. You can either cut the stems and shape them in the form of chips. In a bowl, add the cooking fat and place the leaves in the bowl so that the fat is spread on them. Then season it with lemon juice, salt and pepper and place them on the baking dish. Bake them in the oven for about 30 minutes and then serve with some freshly prepared dip. This recipe can be included in breakfast recipes, which also include recipes like scrambled eggs, salads, etc.

  • Shrimp and Spinach Curry

2 lbs shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 cups shredded spinach
1 cup coconut milk
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
½ cup chicken stock
2 teaspoon curry powder
1 chopped onion
2 teaspoon tomato paste
Sea salt
Ground black pepper


Place a large skillet on low heat and add the coconut oil, and the onions. Saute them till they turn slightly brown, then add the salt and pepper so there is moisture to the onions. Also add the curry powder to the onions and then add the tomato paste, chicken sock and coconut milk. Stir it well so that the flavors are well mixed and the gravy gets a wonderful taste. Then add the shrimp and spinach to the skillet, with a pinch of salt to taste. Cook it for 5 minutes and then serve hot with rice.

  • Baked apples

3 apples
3 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
Pinch of nutmeg

One of the most delicious recipes is the baked apples, which are richly flavored with cinnamon. Firstly core out the apples and leave some flesh at the bottom. Stuff the apples with a tablespoon of butter and then sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Bake the apples for about 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 350 degree F and then serve them hot and soft!

With these delicious recipes put together just for you, hope you have found yourselves some healthy recipes with the paleolithic touch! So enjoy these contemporary food and make the most out of it.
Read more at Buzzle:

Saturday, August 15, 2015

How to Lose Belly Fat Through Yoga

Resentment towards your own self. Disorder? Umm, no. Way of life? Certainly. And if you're a woman, you are never satisfied with how you look, what you wear, and how you live life. Exaggeration? I don't think so. Tell a woman she's looking beautiful and she'll believe you for a second. But tell her that she lost weight and she'll believe you all her life. Losing weight in today's fast-paced world is no less than winning a battle. Not many people can do that. Actually, not many people do that. So, congratulations! You've taken the first step to losing the big fat chunk that comes in between every time you attempt to see down at your toes - belly fat. Prattling about losing belly fat makes me appear as no instructor or trainer. But I can tell you, from an experience of my own, that devoting your life to this spiritual discipline could be one of the best decisions you could take in life.

To target belly fat, yoga is something millions of Americans have relied upon, and the results? Well, aren't they obvious enough that today, you too have dropped your anchor on this page dedicated to losing belly fat through yoga, just to find out if there exists something for you too? While that unnecessary belly fat can become a reason for a number of illnesses as you age, it's better to get rid of it through natural processes at the earliest. And what better than yoga? That said, the following poses or asanas as they're called, can be a savior to your belly, and kick that fat off your stomach in just a few days. Days? Yes. The following asanas are that effective.


Time: 10 Minutes

How to Do: Make a setup on your terrace, garden, or anywhere that has access to fresh air, and sit in Gyan Mudra (cross-legged with the tips of your thumb and index finger touching). Then, inhale a good amount of air, and thrust it out through your nose in small puffs. Note that, all inhaling and exhaling should be done through your nose, and this exercise should be done at least 10 times daily. Gradually, you can increase the number of rounds.

Benefits: Kapalbhati is the best abdominal breathing exercise that works towards flushing the toxins out, and replacing them with fresh, pure air. Since it targets your abdominal area while you're exhaling puffs of air, it proves immensely beneficial in losing all the fat around your abdomen, thus, giving you a flat belly within a few weeks.


Time: 2 Minutes

How to Do: Lie down on your stomach, and keep your feet together. Place both your hands beneath the shoulders, much by the side of your upper waist area, and pull your upper body segment up like a cobra with the help of your palms (Bhujangasana is actually known as Cobra Pose). While lifting the body up, inhale, and while pulling it down, exhale slowly. Repeat this asana three times.

Benefits: Bhujangasana is one asana that targets not only your belly fat, but your back as well. Those suffering from back pain can do this asana everyday to experience quick results. As far as the fat around the belly goes, Bhujangasana stretches your abdomen while you lift your trunk up, and hence, helps in reducing those extra pounds around your waist and abdomen.

Paripurna Navasana

Time: 5 Minutes

How to Do: Sit straight on the floor, and stretch your legs out. Stretch out your hands forward, and pull your legs in the upward direction, towards yourself. This posture will create a boat-like pose which you have to sustain for at least 20 seconds every time you do it. Then, bring your legs down, and relax. Repeat the process for at least 5 times, depending upon your stamina.

Benefits: The maximum stress this pose puts is on your thighs and abdomen. It might seem to be difficult ab initio, but once you get a hang of what the asana is, you can expect extremely quick results. Not only does it prove to be beneficial in reducing belly fat, it also instills stamina in your body.

Not even a 20 minute workout it is everyday! Isn't that an easy thing to do? The above three asanas work like magic on your body, and soon give you an enviable belly, and there's no exaggeration in that. If you want to speed up the process of weight loss around your belly, don't forget to follow the tips given below which might come handy during your spree:

  • Before starting with the yoga exercises, do some minor stretching so that you don't get into any muscle trouble later on. Roll your neck, stretch your arms and legs, and most importantly, work on your waist a bit, before you begin doing the yoga exercises.
  • After you're done with exercising, keep sitting on the floor, and meditate for a couple of minutes. Examine your breaths by inhaling and exhaling deeply. Bask in the fresh air that will help you flush all toxins out of your body, and will help you take in pure air.
  • After completing all asanas, rub your palms fiercely so that heat is produced, and place them on your face, covering your eyes for a while. Yoga gurus all over the world have to say that this is one of the purest forms of getting a glowing skin.
  • Other poses that trigger weight loss around belly fat are Shalabha-asana (the locust pose), Marjariasana (the cat pose), and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (the bridge pose). If you're exercising under the supervision of a trainer, learn more about these asanas, and include them in your daily workout regime.

I, somehow, feel that the biggest task is not to work out at the gym; it's to reach the gym early morning! But when you have the power of yoga with you, a discipline that needs no ab machines, treadmills, or dumbbells to work out, why rush to a gym or training center when you could workout right at your home? Eating whole grains, low-fat milk products, and foods rich in saturated fat can trigger your belly fat loss, and increase muscles. However, in a bid to lose weight quickly, don't end up exerting more than your body can sustain. That, I think, would be all about tips to lose belly fat by means of yoga. Go, make your dream come true with this ancient discipline, and share your experience with others who're in need of the same.
Read more at Buzzle:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

8 Things that Happen when you Quit Sugar

Did You Know?
Having a regular 12-ounce can of Coke is like consuming 39 g of sugar, which is equivalent to 9 teaspoons of it.  

Adding excess sugar to the diet can never be a good habit. Sugar, the white refined stuff, can harm your health in ways more than one. So when you quit sugar, you are sure to experience a lot of positive changes both physically and mentally. Following are the things that can happen when you take sugar off your menu.

Perks Up your Skin
Sugar is like poison to the skin. When you start eating foods with loads of sugar, your skin faces the brunt of your unhealthy diet. Sugar is also the main culprit behind aggravating skin problems like acne. So quit sugar and the first thing that you will start noticing is a better skin appearance.

Better Weight Control

As we all know, too much sugar in the diet means consuming extra calories, which often results in excess weight gain. So when you stop eating extra sugar, it becomes much easier to lose 'extra' pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

No Energy Slumps
Although sugar is a source of energy it does not mean that an excess intake of sugar will boost energy levels. The so-called 'burst of energy' experienced after eating sugar is followed by a sharp dip in the energy levels, leaving you excessively tired. In order to avoid energy highs and lows that occur all day long, quitting excess sugar from the diet is a must. Maintaining adequate energy levels throughout the day becomes much easier, once you minimize your sugar intake.

Better Control Over Mood Swings

Too much sugar tends to alter the brain chemistry and causes an imbalance of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine) that help regulate the mood. Therefore when you quit sugar, mood swings will become a thing of the past. With reduced intake of sugar, you will experience mood stability and better stress management and behavior throughout the day.

Promotes Healthy Bowel Movement

Too much sugar can negatively affect colon health and disturb bowel function. Too much sugar in the diet increases bowel transit time, which means foods move through the digestive tract at a faster rate, leading to diarrhea. So quitting sugar can also help restore normal bowel movement.

No More Sugar Cravings

Sugar is extremely addictive; the more you consume it, the more you crave for it. The first step to end those sugar cravings is to avoid eating it. So, once you eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners from your diet, sugar cravings will automatically disappear. Natural sugar in fruits will taste sweeter when you start ditching those sugar-laden sweets.

Better Immunity

The beneficial bacteria in the intestine play a crucial role in maintaining immunity. However, excess consumption of sugar leads to proliferation of 'bad' bacteria as well as different types of fungi, in turn compromising your health. By quitting sugar, you increase the beneficial gut flora, which has a positive influence on immunity.

Better Pain Control

High sugary foods are known to trigger inflammation, which can make it difficult to cope with pain, particularly in people suffering from inflammatory conditions like arthritis. So cutting down your sugar intake can certainly help to manage pain and inflammation effectively.

Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms List

What can you expect after quitting sugar? Discontinuation of sugar consumption is likely to cause withdrawal symptoms, which can be slightly difficult to handle. As far as the duration of withdrawal symptoms is concerned, it will vary depending upon how long you have been eating excess sugar on a regular basis. However, in general, the symptoms given below are intense in the first week and usually do not last for more than a month. They include:

  • Negative feelings such as anger, depression, and anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Sugar cravings
  • Muscle aches
  • Insomnia
  • Appetite fluctuations
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness

Of course, it is not advised to completely avoid sugar, since it occurs naturally in foods. You need to focus on limiting the intake of white refined sugar that is highly processed and added in large quantities in a variety of sweets such as cakes, pastries, doughnuts, chocolate muffins, and crackles. You should also stay away from sugary drinks such as carbonated beverages as they are full of unhealthy sugar. Avoiding these sugar-laden food items can considerably minimize your excess sugar intake, thereby improving overall health.
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Friday, August 7, 2015

Kids' Yoga Poses

There are many benefits of learning and practicing yoga regularly. Yoga builds confidence and self-esteem. It helps in improve concentration and focus. Yoga is good, not only for physical fitness but also for mental wellness. It helps in promoting balance, flexibility, coordination, and strength. With the help of yoga, a number of children have become calm, and it has helped in creativity and imagination as well.

Some of the yoga poses for kids included below are standing while others are sitting poses. These yoga poses are all basic in nature. The beauty of these poses is that they can also be done by people of any age.

Down Dog Pose

To do this pose, stand with shoulder-width distance between your feet. Keep your feet firmly on the ground. Slowly start bending down at the waist, till the hands reach the ground or are close to the ground. Now, lean your body back slightly, so as to resemble an upside-down V. You will need to hold the position for 10 to 15 seconds, before you release the pose.

Lion Pose
Squat on your legs in such a way that the buttocks are resting on the calf muscles. Place your hands in front of you on the floor. Stick out the tongue as much as you can and breathe out with force, at the same time make a roaring sound. It is recommended to do this yoga exercise several times a day.

Camel Pose
This is a simple, yet confusing yoga pose. Sit like in the lion pose with your buttocks resting on your calves. Now, slowly rise up and stand on your knees, and try to reach behind and grab the soles of your feet. At the first go, it may be difficult to grab the soles, but with practice, it will become easy.

Cat Pose

To do this yoga pose, sit on all fours. Arch up the back completely, similar to the way a cat does when it is angry. So that the kids have fun, a hissing sound can also be introduced. Slowly, let your back fall into a sway and then arch it up again.

Cobra Pose

Doing this pose is a lot of fun. To do this exercise, lie with your stomach down on the floor. The hands should be placed by your chest. Using your upper body, try to move upward/forward as much as you can. A hissing sound along with it completes the picture.

Tree Pose
This is a great balancing posture. With this posture, you will be able to see how long you can stand without wobbling. Stand straight and find a point for you to gaze on. This will help you to focus. Exhale and place the right leg either on the left thigh or left leg calf muscles. Slowly, raise up your hands to do a 'namaskar'. Hold the position as long as you can.

Modified Triangle Pose
Stretching is always beneficial for children and adults alike. This yoga pose stretches the entire body well. Stand straight and spread the legs and arms to the sides. Exhale and slowly start sliding the right hand down the right leg keeping the left hand overhead. Slowly come up after holding the pose for about 15 seconds. Repeat the same on the other side. It is important to keep the back straight, and shoulders, hips, and knees well aligned.

All these yoga poses are of great help for hyperactive and attention-seeking kids. They help children in directing their energy and impulses in a positive way and in the right direction. Treating rigidity through yoga is a practice that has been implemented since ancient times, and has proved to be very beneficial as well. The tree pose and the modified triangle pose help children calm down, and also infuse confidence and balance in them.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tapping Therapy

The tapping therapy has been one of the controversial topics of discussion in recent times. There are many supporters of this therapy, and also there are people who doubt its credibility. This therapy is a relatively new topic of study in the west. Most of them haven't even heard about it.

What is Tapping Therapy?

The tapping therapy or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is based on the concept of manipulating energy meridians in the body. This therapy is used to cure psychological problems by tapping the acupressure points. Tapping the specific acupressure points in the body while simultaneously focusing on a traumatic memory/given psychological problem helps cure the condition. This therapy is used to remove negative emotions, which disturb the energy field of the body. Meridian points present all over the body are tapped to provide relief from various health problems. Unlike the acupuncture techniques, needles are not used in this therapy.

Weight Loss Treatment

This therapy may also be used to resolve the problem of obesity, wherein the root cause of weight gain is treated. Negative emotions and thoughts present in the body obstruct the natural flow of energy. This energy gets trapped in the body which results into weight gain.

Problem of binge eating, which is the main cause of obesity doesn't crop up without any reason. The trauma of past, emotional disturbances, stress, and many such factors contribute to this habit. Patients with such problems are first asked to meditate, after which specific places on the body are tapped. With the help of this treatment, the energy of the patient is said to get re-balanced.

Anxiety Treatment

Panic attacks and anxiety problems may be treated with this therapy. Anxiety or panic attacks can be very difficult to deal with. Whenever such attacks occur, they bring along them a series of problems which spiral out of control. To stay calm is almost impossible in such kind of situations. This therapy should first be practiced in times when there is no occurrence of attacks. Practicing on a regular basis should help make the person habitual to use these techniques. Thus, when a panic attack occurs one may easily employ the tapping therapy without much trouble. Deep breathing should be practiced simultaneously while using this therapy. It helps regulate the oxygen flow in the body. Both these measures together help bring the body to a normal state.

Let's see what are tapping points: 

Tapping Points

The credibility of EFT cannot be provided by means of any scientific evidence. Critics have therefore termed this therapy as pseudoscientific. They have denied any possibility of meridians in the body getting manipulated with this therapy. However, the critics don't deny that people are benefited from the techniques. The relief attained from the use of this therapy (as per the critics) is based on the traditional components and are nothing more than the placebo effect.

The information about EFT should help understand more about this easy to implement treatment. One should, however, consult an expert in this field to get authentic and relevant information about the use of this therapy.

Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.
Read more at Buzzle:

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Yoga has emerged as one of the best forms of exercise due to its ability to reach at the base of a problem. Yoga does not correct a problem at the mere surface but goes beyond the obvious and chooses to correct the core, the roots of it, from where the problem emerged. Usually, the ailments that we suffer from are a manifestation of a deeper underlying cause which makes way to the surface in the form of these symptoms. One of the most common ailments that people suffer from is back pain, and there are several yoga poses that can provide relief. In the article that follows, we shall look at some of the best yoga poses for back pain. Continue reading if you suffer from this problem and want to tackle it in the natural way without taking synthetic medication.

Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain

For those who have gone through the problems of lower back pain will know how excruciatingly painful it can be. Along with the overall discomfort, pain in the lower areas of the back thwarts the movements of walking, lifting, and stretching and therefore has an effect on all the normal activities of the day. Here are some poses that will help.

Child's Pose

  1. Place a mat on the floor and kneel on all fours.
  2. Stretch the knees about shoulder-width apart but make sure that the big toes are touching at the back.
  3. Now, take your chest through the gap between the knees and touch your forehead and chest to the ground.
  4. Extend your arms and release your shoulders, armpits, and arms.
  5. Stretch out the fingers and extend as much as possible.
  6. Breathe in and out.
  7. Get into a variation by bringing the knees together to touch each other and sit on the heels with the toes still touching
  8. Rest your chest onto the thighs and take your forehead forward to touch the ground.
  9. Extend your arms at the back so that the hands are in line or further than the heels.
  10. Breathe in an out.
  11. Stay in this position for 10 counts. You'll feel an instant release in the back.

Forward Bend

  1. Stand on the mat and maintain a distance that is equivalent to shoulder-width in between your feet.
  2. Bend forward very slowly and release your upper body down so that the chest and belly rest on the thighs.
  3. Fold your hands so that the elbows are locked with each other and make your hands into a fist.
  4. Do not lock your knees.
  5. Relax your neck, head, and back region and breathe in and out for 20 - 30 counts to complete this back exercise.

Yoga Poses for Upper Back Pain

Just as many problems as there are with the lower back, there are problems with the upper back as well. Thankfully there are several yoga positions meant especially for this.

Dog Pose

  1. Place your hands and feet on the floor with the palms stretched out.
  2. Place a 10 - 12 inch distance between your feet and shoulder width between the hands.
  3. Now, arch your back (but don't put pressure) and come up so that your buttocks are in the air and the entire body makes an inverted 'V' shape.
  4. Let your head hang loose from your body. Don't tense the neck.
  5. Try and place pressure on the hands as if you're trying to push the feet down to the ground.
  6. You'll feel a pressure in your shin.
  7. Breathe in and out for 10 counts.
  8. This pose relaxes the back completely.

Cat-Dog Pose

  1. Sit in a chair with your feet flat against the ground.
  2. Place your hands on your thighs (without bending) and straighten your back.
  3. Now, look towards the ceiling while arching your back and inhale.
  4. This is the dog pose.
  5. To get into the cat pose, curve your spine completely and come to look down at the legs. Bend at the elbows and exhale.
  6. Alternate both steps 10 times for complete back rest.

These yoga poses for back pain also help in achieving weight loss, did you know? But that apart, just try these yoga exercises and you'll find instant relief from back pain.
Read more at Buzzle: