Saturday, August 15, 2015

How to Lose Belly Fat Through Yoga

Resentment towards your own self. Disorder? Umm, no. Way of life? Certainly. And if you're a woman, you are never satisfied with how you look, what you wear, and how you live life. Exaggeration? I don't think so. Tell a woman she's looking beautiful and she'll believe you for a second. But tell her that she lost weight and she'll believe you all her life. Losing weight in today's fast-paced world is no less than winning a battle. Not many people can do that. Actually, not many people do that. So, congratulations! You've taken the first step to losing the big fat chunk that comes in between every time you attempt to see down at your toes - belly fat. Prattling about losing belly fat makes me appear as no instructor or trainer. But I can tell you, from an experience of my own, that devoting your life to this spiritual discipline could be one of the best decisions you could take in life.

To target belly fat, yoga is something millions of Americans have relied upon, and the results? Well, aren't they obvious enough that today, you too have dropped your anchor on this page dedicated to losing belly fat through yoga, just to find out if there exists something for you too? While that unnecessary belly fat can become a reason for a number of illnesses as you age, it's better to get rid of it through natural processes at the earliest. And what better than yoga? That said, the following poses or asanas as they're called, can be a savior to your belly, and kick that fat off your stomach in just a few days. Days? Yes. The following asanas are that effective.


Time: 10 Minutes

How to Do: Make a setup on your terrace, garden, or anywhere that has access to fresh air, and sit in Gyan Mudra (cross-legged with the tips of your thumb and index finger touching). Then, inhale a good amount of air, and thrust it out through your nose in small puffs. Note that, all inhaling and exhaling should be done through your nose, and this exercise should be done at least 10 times daily. Gradually, you can increase the number of rounds.

Benefits: Kapalbhati is the best abdominal breathing exercise that works towards flushing the toxins out, and replacing them with fresh, pure air. Since it targets your abdominal area while you're exhaling puffs of air, it proves immensely beneficial in losing all the fat around your abdomen, thus, giving you a flat belly within a few weeks.


Time: 2 Minutes

How to Do: Lie down on your stomach, and keep your feet together. Place both your hands beneath the shoulders, much by the side of your upper waist area, and pull your upper body segment up like a cobra with the help of your palms (Bhujangasana is actually known as Cobra Pose). While lifting the body up, inhale, and while pulling it down, exhale slowly. Repeat this asana three times.

Benefits: Bhujangasana is one asana that targets not only your belly fat, but your back as well. Those suffering from back pain can do this asana everyday to experience quick results. As far as the fat around the belly goes, Bhujangasana stretches your abdomen while you lift your trunk up, and hence, helps in reducing those extra pounds around your waist and abdomen.

Paripurna Navasana

Time: 5 Minutes

How to Do: Sit straight on the floor, and stretch your legs out. Stretch out your hands forward, and pull your legs in the upward direction, towards yourself. This posture will create a boat-like pose which you have to sustain for at least 20 seconds every time you do it. Then, bring your legs down, and relax. Repeat the process for at least 5 times, depending upon your stamina.

Benefits: The maximum stress this pose puts is on your thighs and abdomen. It might seem to be difficult ab initio, but once you get a hang of what the asana is, you can expect extremely quick results. Not only does it prove to be beneficial in reducing belly fat, it also instills stamina in your body.

Not even a 20 minute workout it is everyday! Isn't that an easy thing to do? The above three asanas work like magic on your body, and soon give you an enviable belly, and there's no exaggeration in that. If you want to speed up the process of weight loss around your belly, don't forget to follow the tips given below which might come handy during your spree:

  • Before starting with the yoga exercises, do some minor stretching so that you don't get into any muscle trouble later on. Roll your neck, stretch your arms and legs, and most importantly, work on your waist a bit, before you begin doing the yoga exercises.
  • After you're done with exercising, keep sitting on the floor, and meditate for a couple of minutes. Examine your breaths by inhaling and exhaling deeply. Bask in the fresh air that will help you flush all toxins out of your body, and will help you take in pure air.
  • After completing all asanas, rub your palms fiercely so that heat is produced, and place them on your face, covering your eyes for a while. Yoga gurus all over the world have to say that this is one of the purest forms of getting a glowing skin.
  • Other poses that trigger weight loss around belly fat are Shalabha-asana (the locust pose), Marjariasana (the cat pose), and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (the bridge pose). If you're exercising under the supervision of a trainer, learn more about these asanas, and include them in your daily workout regime.

I, somehow, feel that the biggest task is not to work out at the gym; it's to reach the gym early morning! But when you have the power of yoga with you, a discipline that needs no ab machines, treadmills, or dumbbells to work out, why rush to a gym or training center when you could workout right at your home? Eating whole grains, low-fat milk products, and foods rich in saturated fat can trigger your belly fat loss, and increase muscles. However, in a bid to lose weight quickly, don't end up exerting more than your body can sustain. That, I think, would be all about tips to lose belly fat by means of yoga. Go, make your dream come true with this ancient discipline, and share your experience with others who're in need of the same.
Read more at Buzzle:

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