Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Diet for Healthy Heart
It is essential to follow a healthy diet in order to avoid heart diseases. Here is a menu and plan that will help to keep your heart healthy.

As we are all aware that our diet plays an important role in our overall well-being. Diet is the primary cause of weight gain, weight loss, cause of certain diseases, etc. We also know that we can reverse and avoid several conditions by following a healthy diet. Similar is the case with heart diseases. It is essential to have a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle to prevent heart attack and other diseases.

Diet Guidelines

You should note that this diet is to be followed regularly and as long as you can, if you wish to prevent heart diseases. This is not a fad diet and hence, is easy and comfortable to follow. Before taking a look at the actual diet plan, you should go through the following guidelines that will help you understand the diet plan.

Keeping a watch on your calorie intake is the most important thing that you need to follow. You should get your calorie intake calculated (based on age, gender and activity level) and strictly consume only those many calories every day.
The total fat intake (inclusive of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) should be less than 30 percent every day. This means that nearly all the fatty foods should be avoided.
As sodium is one of the factors leading to heart diseases, it should be avoided as much as possible. The daily intake of sodium should be no more than 3000 milligrams every day. It is necessary to let go for salted foods completely.
Lastly, cholesterol, another reason for heart diseases, should also be avoided from the diet. Foods like cheese, deep-fried foods, organ meats, egg yolk and most of the processed foods, contain high amounts of cholesterol and hence, should be avoided.

Diet Plan

The following is the list of foods that you can safely consume in the healthy heart diet.

All vegetables except potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams
All fruits (preferably fresh and cut)
Soybeans, soy products, tofu; beans and legumes
Whole grains, oatmeal, whole wheat
Fish, oily fish, fish oil, lean fish
Lean chicken, skinless poultry, egg white
Fat free dairy products, skimmed milk, yogurt
Olive oil, canola oil

You can plan your daily meals by choosing any of the aforementioned foods. Most of the unhealthy foods can be substituted with healthy foodstuffs and hence, it will be easy for you to follow the diet. For e.g., take a look at the following list of unhealthy foods which can be substituted for healthy options:

Cheese pizza ~ vegetable pizza on wheat base
Fried chicken ~ skinless boiled chicken
Ice cream ~ frozen, flavored yogurt
Whole egg omelet with cheese ~ egg white omelet on wheat bread
Cream based sauces ~ homemade fresh sauce (without salt or preservatives)
Alcohol, coffee, tea ~ herbal tea, green tea, freshly made frozen fruit drinks

Apart from following the diet, you also need to exercise regularly, reduce stress, reduce intake of alcohol, avoid smoking cigarette, etc. to prevent heart diseases. So, wait no more; but, get going. Take care!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Fat Loss: HOW TO LOSE FAT FAST...: Fat Loss Morbid obesity leads to high blood pressure, acute depression and other health problems. Lose the fat by diet changes and proper...


Fat Loss

Morbid obesity leads to high blood pressure, acute depression and other health problems. Lose the fat by diet changes and proper exercise. Scroll down to know more.

How to Lose Fat Fast

The best way is determination! This is an open secret, yet people miss out on it! All your efforts and your hard work would go in vain, if you are not determined enough to lose fat and look good. So strengthen your determination and couple it up with positive efforts. You would achieve anything you wish.

Exercises and Workouts
Exercises are a must and you cannot afford to miss on them! Rise up early in the morning and head towards a gymnasium or else, go in for running and jogging, walking exercises and cardiovascular exercises. These would give you fast results. For people, who are looking for the best way to lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously, I would suggest to go for muscle building exercises, as well as do some cardio workouts. Weightlifting and muscle building workouts, would help them build muscle and at the same time, taking some time for cardio or a bit of aerobic exercises would help them lose the existing fat and prevent further accumulation of the same. Now, when I have spoken of fat accumulation, let me tell you that, fat accumulates anywhere and moreover bulges out. Even you must have observed this. You must have seen excess fat flabs, bulging out from the underarms, stomach and thighs. For fat around the stomach, perform some abdominal exercises, and for the thighs, do some inner thigh exercises and other leg strengthening exercises. There are also weight loss programs and fat burning exercises, on which you can rely for losing fat. Workout plans for all these exercises need to be designed under the guidance and supervision of a physical trainer.

Hey wait... exercises are not just enough to lose weight, there's something more and that is diet! First and foremost point is to keep away high calorie and high fat foods. You need to balance the calorie count. You should gradually reduce the calorie count and then burn more calories than you intake. This would stimulate faster fat loss. But see that, you do not starve yourself in this pursuit. Go in for a low carb diet and high fiber diet, consume proteins in adequate quantities and eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat about 5 - 6 small meals in the entire day, instead of swallowing two big ones. Also reduce your food portions. Eat a healthy breakfast. And one last thing, drink a lot of water! Water contributes in a positive way to the metabolic rate and keeps you hydrated, thereby stimulating faster fat loss.

Rest is another significant factor. If you are used to late night parties and then getting up late in the morning, then you need to sacrifice your habits. Many people tend to ignore rest, thinking that, rest would actually add up to their fat and weight. But, this not true! Rest, in fact, refreshes and relaxes your body and mind. Try it out once and you'll feel the difference in yourself! You would rise up fresh and ready to take over the day. Get a nice sleep for 6 - 8 hours in a day.

So the bottom line of this discussion on the best way to lose fat is regular exercises, balanced diet and sufficient rest. Apart from these three things, there's nothing in this world, that can help you better! All the best!!!
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/best-way-to-lose-fat.html

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How to stay healthy..,
Not just physically but mentally too? What should one go for? Is it healthy food, exercise, yoga, jogging, running? Read on to know about how to choose appropriate measures to remain in good physical and mental health.
Health definition by WHO (World Health Organization): 'Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ' So, rather than aiming at a balanced diet or a balanced workout or techniques to balance your mind; one needs to find a balance between all these three factors for healthy living. Here, are some tips on staying healthy physically and mentally, which I have personally tried and tested.

How to Stay Fit Physically?

Diet: Try to eat as much as fruits and vegetables (salad). Make sure you eat fruits, then salad and then your meal. Fruits and vegetables provide enzymes to the body, which help to absorb the nutrients from your meal which is your main course. Drink as much water as possible throughout the day. The requirement of water is, per 45 pounds weight 1 liter of water. Try to eat as many types of cereals you can. Keep enhancing your diet plan, by learning about different healthy foods.

Exercising: There are very few people who will go for exercising to maintain their health. Mostly people will initiate in some exercise due to weight loss or some other health problem. No matter which type of exercise you take up, whether it is just walking or jogging, try to follow it regularly. The best exercise in my opinion, is swimming which is almost injury-free, boosts metabolism, helps to build lean muscles and improves body flexibility.

Advanced Tips: If you are suffering from some health condition, which is as minor as common cold or something serious like a sport injury, then try to understand the causes behind the health condition, and try to avoid the causes, rather than popping pills to treat the health condition. For example, to avoid common cold, load yourself with vitamin C rich food (Indian gooseberries, amla is one of the best source of vitamin C). To prevent any muscle soreness or injuries, make sure you do a good warm-up before any exercise, and perform the stretching exercises after the workout.

How to Keep Yourself Healthy Mentally?

Breathing: Deep breathing is not only good for your lungs, but also can be used to calm your mind. Vipassana meditation, uses breathing as a technique. So learning vipassana meditation, can greatly help you. But, in case you don't feel like going for vipassana, then just breathe your way out through stressful situations. By which I mean, take a deep breath whenever you get stressed, and breath out, repeat it around 10 times.

Meditation: There are various techniques of meditation. Instead of following a spiritual or religious person, try to experiment with different techniques of meditation, and then whichever you feel suits you, try to practice that for an hour a day. The various techniques for meditation are tantra, yoga, Zen, vipassana, Tibetan techniques, Buddhist techniques, etc.

Take a Break: This is something, which everybody needs and should use for stress relief. Whenever, you think something like studies or your work becomes very repetitive or you become overloaded with your work, studies or responsibilities, take a break. Plan a small vacation alone or with a friend, or go to a garden, and switch off your cell phone. Just forget everything and enjoy watching the trees, birds and kids playing.

It will not be always possible to follow these tips on a daily basis or regularly. So, try to eat as much healthy food as possible, get around 20 minutes of exercise minimum, whether it is just plain walking or climbing stairs and try to learn some meditation and practice it for minimum half an hour a day.

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Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-stay-healthy.html


Fat Loss: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO BE HEALTHY ?: Health, by definition, is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. It implies the absence of infirmity or disease, but their ...


Health, by definition, is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. It implies the absence of infirmity or disease, but their mere absence does not define health. Earning and maintaining health is an active process. Good health is a result of proper nutrition, regular exercise, health care and hygiene. One of the most important factors determining the mental health of an individual is his/her happiness quotient. Hence, effective stress management forms a vital factor in remaining healthy.

Human beings are the most important assets of a nation. It is people who drive the world, it is we who make the world go round. The absence of health can make the world come to a standstill. Do I seem to be exaggerating? I am not. The absence of health can actually mean passivity, unhappiness and gloom. Would anyone like to live in a somber atmosphere? Would we be able to thrive in an unhealthy atmosphere? The true definition of health brings out the real essence of a healthy life. The concept of being healthy is a composition of different facets of life. It includes physical well-being, which can be brought about by a healthy diet and exercise; it constitutes the maintenance of health through proper precaution and cures for physical ailments. The conveniently ignored facet of being healthy is the mental well-being. One's happiness and positivism are highly influential in the maintenance of one's health.

To progress in life, one needs to receive some sort of formal or practical education and then earn one's living. To meet one's basic needs in life and survive; one needs to be healthy. Different streams of education involve different amounts of physical and mental activity. Physical and mental activity is an integral part of every profession or field of work. To perform these activities effectively, one needs to be healthy. At almost every walk of life, one needs to socialize. During one's years of education, one is required to socialize with one's classmates. Similarly, human interaction accompanies every form of work. Most of the professions need collective efforts of teams. For each individual of a group to be able to give his/her best, it is important for the individual to be healthy.

As a part of society, every human being has a set of duties to perform. Each individual has certain family responsibilities as also some responsibilities towards the society. For an individual to be able to shoulder these responsibilities, it is important for him/her to be healthy. To make progress in a society, to work towards the betterment of society, to contribute to an overall social welfare and thus be a valuable asset of society, it is extremely important to be healthy.

As one grows from a child to an adult, one's set of rights and responsibilities expands. In order to perform one's duties and implement one's rights effectively, it is absolutely important to be healthy. To raise a family, to bring up your children, to take care of the aged in your family, you need to be healthy.

Health and happiness go hand in hand. To live life to the fullest and enjoy every bit of it, it is extremely important for us to be healthy!


Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/why-is-it-important-to-be-healthy.html

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Customize fat loss

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Fat Loss: HOW TO BUILD YOUR MUSCLES...........


How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

The information about how to build muscle and lose fats is presented by means of some useful tips. One should not expect to gain muscles or lose fats in a short period of time, but keep long-term goals for improving the overall health.

The secret behind gaining muscles and losing fats is quite simple to understand and implement; the key is to build a strong body through regular exercise and healthy diet. Our body always provides signals regarding any change that takes place in the system. Excess fat gained by the body is a burden that one doesn't need to carry the whole life. It is always possible to make positive changes in the lifestyle and thereby, health to lead a good life. There are many training programs out there which guarantee about losing fats in a certain specific period. There is nothing false or deceptive about the claims made by many of these programs. However, it is necessary to understand that it is you who need to make the positive changes in your regular routine to enjoy a good health. There is no quick-fix solution to build muscle and lose fat fast.

Building Muscles and Losing Fats

The process of building muscle and losing fats revolves around two important aspects i.e. proper exercise and healthy diet.

Strength Training
It is the best way to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Weight training workouts and body-weight exercises are commonly used in strength training. It is better to start with body-weight exercises like push-ups. A beginner should especially use body weight exercises since, using weights (without proper guidance) can harm the muscles and joints of bones. Once, you become strong enough to lift weights, you can start with empty barbells for training. The weight should then be increased gradually after obtaining the necessary advice from your instructor.

Squats are an important form of body-weight exercises in which muscles of the legs are trained. Muscles of thighs and also the abdomen are exercised in this workout. One can build muscle and burn fat at the same time by strengthening the abdomen muscles. This is because most of the body fat gets deposited in the belly region. Crunches are a similar form of abdominal exercises which help build muscle and lose fats at the same time.

Resting the muscles after a workout is necessary since, the rest phase provides time for protein synthesis. By not giving enough rest, one actually disturbs the muscle-building process. It takes about 2-4 hours after the exercise for the rebuilding process to begin. It is important to provide enough rest to the muscles for allowing them to grow and become stronger. Many of us want quick results and in the urge of building muscles fast, they get damaged. One should give enough time for the body to make necessary repairs and avoid working out beyond the body limit. Following the above mentioned tips should definitely help in building muscles and losing fats.

Nutritious Diet
A nutritious diet helps nurture the body by fulfilling its needs. The body needs proteins and carbohydrates to build up the muscle mass. Repairs of body muscles also takes place by means of a nutritious (protein rich diet). Leguminous foods are recommended as protein rich diet for building up muscles; milk is also one of the great sources of proteins. As far as possible, one should avoid eating junk food. Such kind of food contains trans-fats (present in cheese) and is therefore, responsible for fat gain. Another disadvantage of consuming junk foods is that these are full of chemicals (preservatives) and have an adverse effect on the overall development of the body.

Most of the health-related problems in our lives are the result of the lifestyle we follow. The processes of losing fats and building muscles are interrelated. Only if we set a few things right, it is possible to enjoy a great health. Hope, the article proves to be useful for beginners in their quest to build muscles and lose fats.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-build-muscle-and-lose-fat.html

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How to loss your fat...........